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SDMX Launched for Data Dissemination

SDMX Launched for Data Dissemination

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) is commencing data distribution in SDMX format for individual categories of financial sector data, such as the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) and the SDDS Plus on the Special Data Dissemination Standard page of the NBU official website. 

This will ensure compliance with the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund. According to the Tenth Review of the IMF Data Standards Initiatives on revision of the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS), SDDS member countries are encouraged to upgrade their data dissemination technology by improving their national data pages with machine-readable SDMX technology.

To ensure the implementation of IMF recommendations and to launch the dissemination of data using the SDMX technology, the SDMX datasets have been prepared for the following categories of financial sector data: the SDDS and the SDDS Plus:

  • overview of deposit-taking corporations 
  • overview of the central bank 
  • overview of other financial corporations 
  • financial soundness indicators listed in line with the SDDS Plus 
  • debt securities.



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